To translate into your language
Other places to learn English
Here are some links to useful websites to help with your English and details for local colleges.
ELATT: Online accredited ESOL levels Entry 1 – Level 2. Most courses are free of charge. Also deliver digital and maths for ESOL. Visit the website to register:
WEA: Online accredited Entry 2 and introduction ESOL courses. Visit the website to register:
Conversations Over Borders: English and Befriending Project aims to increase confidence in spoken English while building social connections. Visit the website to register:
Babel's Blessing: Online Entry level 1 -3. Only open to asylum seekers. Visit the website to register:
Swansea University -ELTS Community Team: Online beginner classes. Visit the website to register:
Learning Unlimited: Conversation clubs from E2+. Visit the website for more information:
Alison: This website has free English language and many other courses. You need to register to access the courses.
Akelius: learn languages through interactive activities.
BBC Learn English: YouTube channel
BBC Learning English: Free resources for learning English
BBC Skillswise: Facts, worksheets, games and quizzes to help you improve your Maths and English.
BBC Stories for children: Learn English with your children. You can listen and read the story at the same time.
British Council: Free resources and apps for learning English
Duolingo: This is an app you can download onto a smart phone. It has short, visual exercises that can help with learning basic English words.
Cambridge English: Free resources for learning English
ESOL Courses: Free English language website for learners and tutors.
Games to learn English: A fun way to practice English for adults and children.
Jolly Phonics letter sounds: You Tube video offering help with English.
Open Learn: A range of free courses to help you develop basic English skills to progress to English in the workplace.
Oxford International Digital Institute: Two free English language courses, English for Culture and English for Business for refugees and displaced people.
Future Learn: Various free courses to learn English including beginners, IELTs support and healthcare.