LEAH UK Coronavirus Statement
The situation in the UK is a rapidly developing scenario and there are some simple things we can all do to help protect ourselves and others.
The Government has produced guidance on what you can and what you cannot do during the Coronavirus outbreak. For more details, click here here for the latest information.
You can find also more useful information on the following websites:
NHS website - for the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) and alert levels
There is separate advice about:
people at higher risk from Coronavirus from the NHS
self-isolation treatment if you have Coronavirus symptoms, again from the NHS
supporting adults and children with learning disabilities or autistic adults and children from ‘scie’ – social care institute for excellence
If after following the NHS guidelines you need to call 111 you can ask for an interpreter and there is an easy read guide available here.
Please review this page for future updates.