Quiz Night Success

LEAH’s popular annual quiz certainly delivered on its promise late last month:  more than 75 participants, comprising supporters and their friends and family members, gathered at The Wych Elm in Kingston in a joyous and relaxed atmosphere and raised over £1,000 in aid of the charity’s home and community based English classes in Richmond, Kingston and Hounslow.

Whether a whizz on world geography, a human encyclopaedia of sports facts or just lucky at bingo, the Wych Elm’s Michael and Charlotte prepared several challenging brain teasers and ticklers to suit all tastes.  And there were prizes aplenty: delightful dinners for two at The Wych Elm and several wonderful raffle prizes generously donated by supporters of LEAH.

Jenny Irish, LEAH Director said “It was a wonderful, warm and friendly evening and I’d like to extend my thanks to all the supporters who joined us to raise funds for LEAH’s vital work and to Michael and Charlotte for hosting us and donating such great prizes.”

It was also a fantastic opportunity for LEAH’s new volunteers to meet supporters and members of staff.

Hope to see you there next year!



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